domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011


Learning and knowledge are two terms that people used to confuse all the time because their uses are similar, but their concepts are totally different. Learning it’s the process to acquire knowledge, while knowledge is “human faculty resulting from interpreted information”
Nowadays, organizations are totally involved in the world of CHANGE, so their knowledge and their learning are very important to an enterprise development and performance. Therefore, all enterprises try to coach their employees to make them prepared for most of the changes made by the environmental sector to make the enterprise be more competitive and good performance.
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Company’s know-how is considered one of the most important assets of the company because it is the asset that company uses to make different from other companies and be more successful than others. For example when is going to be purchase of a franchise of one company, the purchase consist on buying the know-how of a certain company, it could be a form of organizational learning.

But each company can construct their own Know-How by organizational learning process. This process consists on “An organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights” (Garvin, 1993). As I had mentioned before, there is a nowadays concern about learning organizations and there is some causes about these concern, first because it is a factor of competitiveness because organizational learning help enterprises to survive in turbulent, it also help the enterprises to combat with other issues such as Uncertainty, changes in workforce competency, it also construct customer expectations, technological advantage, and fight with globalization that is the most important factor at the present time because it make have even more competitors than a few years ago.

It is clear that organizational learning is very important, but how a company can get it? According to Dr Senge there was five steps wich enterprises have to take to improve organizational learning, those are Personal mastery, shared vision, mental models team learning, systems thinking
What is the relationship between organizational learning and individual satisfaction?

There is a closed relation because organizational learning based on coaching the employees inside companies to increase the enterprise performance, subsequently all workers become benefit from organizational learning inside policies, taking into account that coaching workers is a good motivator for theme because it not just contribute to the company performance, it also contribute with the wellbeing and the rising of workers organizational knowledge.

·         Learning in Organizations. INFEAD.  Retrieved from:
·         Teece, D. (1998) Capturing value from knowledge assets: The new economy, Markets for know-how, and intangible assets. California Management Review. Vol40 No 3. Spring 1998. Retrieved from January 2011:
·         Nelson, D.L. & Quick, J.C. (2010) OrganizationalBehavior: Science, TheReal Worldand You. South-Western CollegePublication, 7th. Ed.
·         The Five Disciplines of Organizational Learning. SOL (society of organizational learning). Retrieved from:

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